Regulus Red – I Will Try

This amazing song “I Will Try” by the talented Regulus Red, is one of the catchiest tunes on our blog this month. Regulus Red has one of the most charming and beautiful pop voices I have ever heard, and his professional performance in this song is incredibly catchy. The production is smart and professional which took this song to a new level. Combining pop textures and consonants with languid vibrations, he creates subtle combinations. ”I Will Try” is an LGBTQ+ Anthem on resilient love, on what it means to love beyond hurdles and enemies sent your way. it’s about fighting for what feels right in our hearts and being resilient with them.

International, genderqueer, electro-pop: Regulus Red is the new unabashedly authentic kid on the block. A reckless daydreamer for whom music and fashion are a statement, a means of liberation from a frightened society.
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