Harry Kappen – The Freedom Inside

We have just discovered the splendid musical world of Harry Kappen thanks to MTS Management Group, an independent Dutch musician and music therapist. He made a strong impression with his new single ”The Freedom Inside”, a musical blessing. Harry Kappen’s breathtaking and alluring singing perfectly matches the intriguing and professional production. Being able to relate with the listeners is very essential for an artist. His music is pleasing to the ear. ”The Freedom Inside” brings fresh air to the musical landscape and proves that creative artists still exist. Harry Kappens limitless inspiration will bring him to the highest level.

Harry Kappen (HK) is an independent Dutch musician and music therapist. He is an experienced musician, a multi-instrumentalist, who played in many bands in the Netherlands and as a producer, he worked with a lot of Dutch pop bands. Since he was young he composed hundreds of songs, for his own bands or just for fun and sometimes for events or for Dutch television.

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