With his third album, Michael Kiwanuka returns stronger than ever, intermingling blues, frenzied soul and rock with throbbing folk bursts. In fiery timeless melodies, addicted to percussion and clattering guitar riffs, this album is intensely touching.
From You Ain’t The Problem to Light, crosses him with his velvety voice with untamed intonations, multiple emotions and commitments. A mixture of heady minimalism and sharp verses, Michael Kiwanuka reveals himself by talking about struggles, inequalities and broken hopes as on the beautiful Hero.
Throughout his notes which say with precision and mad talent for accepting himself, despite the differences and thanks to them, he immerses souls in gently exalted swings. Multiplying the percussions and salvos of a liberated and contemporary soul, creates a rhythmic rhythm full of impetuous feelings which delightfully exult.

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