”See Me In The Trees” is the new release from the talented group Ayla Ray formed of Alaskan hometown friends by singer/songwriter Sam Tenhoff and bassist/producer Raven Liss. The lyrics are original and well written and Sam’s vocal performance is more than professional which shows how talented he is. When the industrialization of humankind becomes overbearing and toxic, the mind finds solace in nature. This song is an anthem to those who find their happy place, a song for the separation of ego. So, under his caressing song, our minds sail on an infinite horizon line, on the edge of the land, between reality and dreams. This amazing masterpiece left us so excited to see where Ayla Ray’s career will go over the coming months.
Ayla Ray is a group formed of Alaskan hometown friends by singer/songwriter Sam Tenhoff and bassist/producer Raven Liss. The duo have been playing together since meeting in elementary school, developing a sound over the years that leans the group heavily into rock with undertones of electronic, soul, and R&B. With a collaboration of artful stage props, lighting, and high energy live performance, Ayla Ray brings a full experience to the dance floor and strives to bend genre in and out of the studio.
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